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Shop for your Reaper Warlord Miniatures by Hobby-Q at Dark Horse Hobbies... Today!

Warlord takes place in the war-torn land of Taltos in the world of Adon, a region of dry, blistering summers and mild winters. Various leaders and their forces act to gain control of their own destinies as they battle for the power to become Warlords and ultimately to become legends by their own hands - some are just and fair and others are cruel and capricious. With fortunes to be made and eternal fame to be won, life in Taltos is brutal.

  • Warlord Bloodstone Gnomes
    Warlord Bloodstone Gnomes
    Shop for your Warlord Miniatures at Dark Horse Hobbies - Today!
  • Warlord Crusaders
    Warlord Crusaders
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    Long have the Knights of the Temple guarded the Chroniclers at Denelspire. Oathbound to remain steadfast guardians and take no action, they watched as evil festered and grew at their doorstep. Denelspire was invaded, and Duke Gerard returned to retake the Citadel and make the land safe for the people once more. Now the guardians of Denelspire have become the instrument of the heavens, destined to rout the evil that has permeated the land. By their faith and by their swords they will return stability to Taltos, for they have taken an oath to serve peace, and Gerard has shown that peace comes only after the war has been won.

  • Warlord Darkreach
    Warlord Darkreach
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  • Warlord Darkspawn
    Warlord Darkspawn
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    Though once of elven stock, the Isiri have twisted themselves with the aid of their demon lords. They are elves no more. Led by the Witch Queen and her demonic aides, the Darkspawn have begun a campaign against the surface world. Filling their cups with the spoils of war - pain, misery, suffering, death, and fear - the Isiri will give the bounty they reap to the dark lords they serve, twisting and defiling everything that was once sacred. The people of Taltos know fear, but those who are captured by the Isiri come to truly know pain. Death is the only escape from the cruel fate these fiends have readied for all who will not bow to them.

  • Warlord Dwarves
    Warlord Dwarves
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    The halls of Aizen Krahl have known the hymns of battle since the first stone was carved. This newly-hewn fortress is the only defense between Taltos and the monsters of Monglash. King Thorgram Grimsteel knows that his people must be strong, like the foundations of the very mountains themselves, or they will fall. The dwarves have fought to build the citadel and will fight to defend it, for their new home is not just a cave in the hills, but the bastion of freedom that guards the civilized lands from evils they cannot face. King Thorgram will take the fight to his enemies and ensure the legacy of his heirs.

  • Warlord Elves
    Warlord Elves
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    The courts of the northern forests have ignored the pleas for aid as the Princes of Almirithil watched the horrors around them grow. Now, Prince Danithal has mustered the strongest and noblest of his people from across Adon to serve him and help restore the realm. With their natural gifts and the protection of the very land that they serve, the elves of Almirithil stand strong, proud, and ready to face the challenge of taming the beasts that have infested Taltos. Beautiful and shadowy, the elves are well trained and well prepared for the battles ahead, and Prince Danithal will not fail in his duty to his land and his people.

  • Warlord Halflings
    Warlord Halflings
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  • Warlord Icingstead
    Warlord Icingstead
    Shop for your Warlord Miniatures at Dark Horse Hobbies - Today!
  • Warlord Kargir
    Warlord Kargir
    Shop for your Warlord Miniatures at Dark Horse Hobbies - Today!
  • Warlord Korborlas
    Warlord Korborlas
    Shop for your Warlord Miniatures at Dark Horse Hobbies - Today!
  • Warlord Kragmarr
    Warlord Kragmarr
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  • Warlord Mercenaries
    Warlord Mercenaries
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    A misbegotten collection of sell-swords and cut-throats, the Mercenaries had traveled the land, looking to sell the might of their steel and the power of their magic to the highest bidder. Orba Sinhan was blessed with a vision for something more, and he has been bringing these loners together to fight for something greater: real power in Taltos.

  • Warlord Necropolis
    Warlord Necropolis
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    For centuries, the energies of the ancient Necropolis of Thule have drawn necromancers, the undead, and those questing after power. Judas Bloodspire, vampire lord and Anointed of Hars, has seized control of the Font of Power contained within Thule, and from there he plans to gather more souls and more strength, waiting for the day of the Anointing, when he and his followers will know the true definition of power. Until then, the lands of the living will know terror as only The Hunt can bring

  • Warlord Nefsokar
    Warlord Nefsokar
    Shop for your Warlord Miniatures at Dark Horse Hobbies - Today!

    The almost-forgotten god Sokar has awakened from his great sleep. He has remembered the oaths of the warriors of ages past who bound their souls to serve him throughout eternity. Sokar has summoned his greatest servants back from the lands of the dead. The greatest of them, Khufu, the supreme priest-king of the Sokari, again leads his people into the Mehet Hesep - the Northern Gardens - where Sokar will rule again. Together with the Khamsin, a tribe that has never forgotten the ways of Sokar, Khufu will restore the cities of old, recover the plundered temples of his people, and repay the injuries of the outsiders to his Kingdom. Sokar has risen, and so has the desert itself.

  • Warlord Overlords
    Warlord Overlords
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    The Inquisitors of Malvernis have taken an interest in the city of Craclaw, and the Overlords court their deadly power. The Overlords desire control and power enough to sacrifice anything, even their own lives, to gain power that none can withstand. Ashkrypt, an Overlord and Lich, will use the Inquisitors to get what he wants, and then he will discard them, as he does with the people of Craclaw. There is power to be taken in Taltos, and the Overlords know the strengths and weaknesses of those who oppose them. They will lead the Army that will control the people of the land, and will brook no opposition.

  • Warlord Razig
    Warlord Razig
    Shop for your Warlord Miniatures at Dark Horse Hobbies - Today!
  • Warlord Reptus
    Warlord Reptus
    Shop for your Warlord Miniatures at Dark Horse Hobbies - Today!

    The Mongkohn have learned the mysteries of existence and have spent centuries contemplating the paths of harmony and of conflict. The outside world has always been ignorant of the noble culture of the Jade Empire, but the innocent years of the past have long gone. T