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Shop for Pendraken 10mm 16th Century Polish wargames miniatures at Dark Horse Hobbies - Today!
Shop for Pendraken 10mm Polish 16th Century Flags and Banners for tabletop wargaming miniatures at Dark Horse Hobbies - Today!

This is the army that includes one of history's most iconic cavalrymen - the Winged Hussars. Created by the King of Poland, Stephan Bathory, in the 1560's, these heavily armed and armoured warriors more often than not carried the field for the next century, culminating in the important European victory over the Ottoman Turks at the siege of Vienna in 1683. The Polish Commonwealth of the time extended far beyond its current borders and included Lithuania, modern Ukraine and parts of Russia; there was even a Polish Czar. Ably supported by artillery, pancerni cavalry and uniformed units of arquebus and axe armed hajduk infantry, the Polish army was definitely the one to beat in Renaissance Eastern Europe.

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